What is LeelaVerse?
In Indian mythology, Leela is the idea that our world, and all that we experience, is the result of creative play. At LeelaVerse, the freedom and joy of playful creativity drives our mission. Our goal is to offer a universe of books, games, toys, and other creative media that encourage children to learn through play and to spark curiosity and excitement to learn about South Asian music, art, and culture.
Our journey begins with our first book, THE SEARCH FOR SA
Why start with a book?
As a father of a two-year-old, I am keenly aware of how books have the power to inspire children to try new things and introduce them to new ideas. Children are captivated by the characters in stories they read at a young age. It is important for them to be exposed to books with characters that reflect and honor their cultural identity. Yet, as I looked around my son’s library, I realized that none of the children’s books we owned had characters that looked like him or spoke to his heritage. So, I decided to change that.
My hope is that this book will help your little one appreciate the beauty of South Asian music, art, and culture, allowing them to feel confident in their own identity. I also believe it is important for all parents to expose their children to different cultures from an early age. This book provides such an opportunity, teaching children the importance of respect and appreciation for cultures other than their own.